Minutes of the Extraordinary General Body Meeting 32nd Annual Conference of the Karnataka Ophthalmic Society 9th Nov 2013 at Hassan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hassan

The meeting was called to order by President the Dr M R Honnatti Agenda of the Extraordinary General Body Meeting was read out by Dr SaiGiridhar Kamath, Secretary KOS. The following amendments to the bye laws were proposed by Dr Madhav Honnatti and seconded by Dr Sai Giridhar Kamath: 

1. All the chief and presenting authors of scientific papers, e-posters, guest speakers at CMEs and workshops held by or under the aegis of KOS, residing/ practicing or working in Karnataka, should be its life members.

EXPLANATION: The managing committee feels that, with the exception of special invitees, that too from outside the State, this amendment should apply.

2. All the authors of articles, writings, content contributors etc. published in KOS journals and other publications under KOS, residing/practicing/working in Karnataka, shall be its life members. This does not apply to Guest speakers, contributors and authors from outside Karnataka.

EXPLANATION: The managing committee feels that, with the exception of special invitees, that too from outside the State, this amendment should apply.

3. Annual General Body Meeting Notice, Election Notice, Nomination forms- etc are to be sent by email to those, whose email address have been registered with KOS. Others will be sent the same by post/courier.
EXPLANATION: Self Explanatory.

4. Intimation of CMEs and workshops under the aegis of KOS, will be sent by email to all members, whose email address has been registered with KOS. It will be sent by post to rest of the members. However, the soft copy of the brochure has to be submitted to the webmaster to be uploaded in the KOS website.

EXPLANATION: This is a provision.

5. Venue for the following annual KOS Conference to be fixed two years in advance, instead of one year as is the practice now.

EXPLANATION: Fixing the conference venue two years in advance, gives the organizers of the conference ample time to prepare. all the amendments were unanimously accepted by the general body.

Annual General Body meeting followed the Extraordinary General Body Meeting

Dr M R Honnatti, President KOS, Welcommed the gathering. Agenda of the AGM was read out by Dr Sai Giridhar Kamath, Hon Secretary, KOS this was followed by reading of the minutes of the previous AGM, held on 3rd Nov 2012 at Al Ameen Medical College, Bijapur at the venue of the 31st Annual Conference of the KOS – by Dr Sai Giridhar Kamath. It was proposed by Dr V S Reddy and Seconded by Dr A S Shetty. One minute silence was observed as mark of respect to our departed members, Dr Kulkarni BB, Dr Huilgol, Dr Nagaraj H K, Dr Gudagur Devadatta following a few words about them by Dr V S Reddy, Dr Girish, Dr Sathish Shet and Dr Ravi Nadgir. Secretary’s report was read by Dr Sai Giridhar Kamath and was accepted by GB.

The points which arise and were discussed were as follows:

  •  A new record was set this year with the addition of 289 new members and the total no of members have reached 1744.
  • 27 CMEs were conducted all over the state under the aegis of KOS this year.
  • The auditor has brought to our notice that a recent ruling of the supreme court in Bangalore Club Vs Commissioner of Income Tax case. till now by the principle of mutuality, societies were not paying income tax for excess income over expenses. The landmark judgement passed by supreme court on 14thJan 2013, gives great clarity to “principles of mutality’ and the interest earned in the Fixed Deposits of the Society, will be eligible for Income tax in the hands of the assessee.
  •  A resolution was passed to enable the present secretary to sign for the return of income for the financial year 2012-13
  • The minutes of the General Body meeting will be uploaded in the KOS website and will be freely available to all the members for information.
  • Two managing committee meetings were held at Bangalore and Udupi this year. Several other matters were discussed online among MC Members at intervals.
  • Selection of MC Members to AIOS was done in the second MC meeting and the nominees are Dr Madhav Honnatti and Dr Guruprasad A S, who is eligible to continue one more term of 3 years.
  • PG fellowship was awarded to Dr (Maj) G Premanath, KOS member No 1362, from Bangalore.
  •  The documents for KOS registration renewal are ready and few signatures of the previous office members are needed to complete the same. The documents will be handed over to the next president to complete the procedure.
  • The secretary thanked all the Office Members of the KOS, particularly the President and also all the KOS Members for giving an oppurtunity to serve the Society.
  • The secretary also thanked the present auditor, C A Bharath Shanbhogue, the accountant, Sudhir Bhagath, J K Printers and Apoorva Xerox for all the help rendered for the past two years.

In summary, the new office bearers are as follows:
President: Dr Mahabaleshwar M, Bangalore
President Elect: Dr Umesh Megur, Bidar
Vice President: Dr Guruprasad A S, Hubli
Hon. Secretary: Dr Lokesh H, Tumkur
Hon Jt. Secretary: Dr Rajesh K V, Mysore
Hon Treasurer: Dr Balakrishna B N, Tumkur
Editor Chakshu: Dr Elankumaran P, Bangalore
Webmaster: Dr Sai Giridhar Kamath, Mangalore
Any other matter with the permission of the Chair: Dr Rama Mohan Rao, suggested that the Oration Award be given with the inaguration so that the awardee is also called on stage during the inaguration of the conference.
Vote of thanks was given by Dr Rajesh BTJ, Hon Joint Secretary.

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