MINUTES GBM held on 12 Nov 2011, at NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore

1. Half hour postponed -as assembly yet to be in place 6:20 PM
2. Minutes of the annual GBM held on 30 Oct 2010 at Udupi, read out and accepted by GBM
3. Total no of members 1347 till date
4. 67 members added this year, 12 members whose membership was pending were allotted new membership
5. Request from 3 members – Membership Number was duplicated with others have been alloted new numbers
6. Membership drive to be started in colleges – recruit new postgraduates in ophthalmology
7. CME: 20 CMEs were held in 2010-11 under the aegis of KOS
8. Financial Assistance: 2 CMEs has requested for allotment of Rs 5000/-
9. Request for representation, Andra and Bengal Association for guest lectures

Dr Santan Gopal:
CME grant can be given by the managing committee -Logistics of representation – to be worked out
Maharastra Association – for Joint Meet with KOS – can reciprocate the same
Secretary Report: by Dr.Venkatasubramaniam
Report accepted Dr. Joshi (proposer) Dr. Muralidhar (seconded)
Requisition – Assistant to Secretary –Dr. Gramopadhye: for recording minutes of the meetings etc

GB decided that secretary can be appointed by the managing committee to do the necessary writing and corresponding work etc
Scientific Committee Report: By Dr. Deepak Megur -20 CMEs were done, Acknowledged the previous scientific committee members
Acknowledged, help from Dr. Nagraju, Dr. Sai Giridhar Kamath, Dr. Ravindra etc
Report Accepted 

proposed by Dr. Nadiger
Seconded: Dr. Ravindra

Chakshu Editor’s Report: Dr. Raju S
Winners of Awards and Best papers – to be publised in Chakshu
DVD of presentations and permission from authors to be taken
-Most members want to publish in Indexed journals –
-To get guidelines from AIOS about how to go about this aspect – to be discussed in detail
Report Accepted- proposed by Dr. Santhan Gopal
Seconded by: Dr. Bhujanga Shetty
Treasurer’s Report: Dr. Rajesh
Advance to BOS has been returned
Whether all conference Stall Money to come to KOS?
Dr. Santhan Gopal – LOC will collect the money and then give to KOS, as decided by the MC Balance sheet shows – liability to AIOS
Dr Santhan Gopal – said the amount was given as contribution from AIOC when AIOS conference was held in Bangalore. KOS may have to pay tax on the amount now!
GB to discuss – Dr Santhan Gopal and Dr Rajesh to see how to go about it now.
Dr T K Ramesh – Said – To discuss with Auditor and try to make it tax free
6 Lakhs has been transferred to Fixed Deposit
Report Accepted proposed by Dr Bhujang Shetty
Seconded: Dr Subramanian
Issure of FBS – to take benifit from AIOS – GB said NO
Venue of Conference:
Received the letter from Bijapur, Al Ameen Medical College
Also from Dharwad
Decided by GB to give 2012 conference to Bijapur – but college cannot conduct, letter has to
come from the district ophthal association only!
Proposal for BEST TEACHER AWARD and KOS LIFE TIME AWARD – details to be discussed
Resolution by Dr Santan Gopal Seconded by Dr Honnatti

To make conference registration free for members above age 75 Decision was not taken even after discussion Resolution by Dr Honnatti To make the position of WEBMASTER official in KOS Committee as an office bearer Accepted unanimously by the GB Unanimously decided by GB, to make Dr Sai Giridhar Kamath, permanently and continuously webmaster, till he desires to carry out the work of maintaining the website and the KOS member directory and also make him permanently, member of the managing committee. Standing ovation given to Dr Sai Giridhar Kamath for the services offered to KOS The membership directory was maintained as well as the website for the last 9 years and the incidence of wrong addresses has dropped from more than 40% then to less than 3% now. Change of address has been made very easy by using electronic form on the website.

Editor Chakshu: Dr Raju S, proposed by Dr M M Joshi, Seconded by Dr Ravindra
Scientific Committee Convener:
Dr Deepak Megur proposed by Dr Ravindra
Dr Sunil proposed by Dr Nagraju
Dr Sunil had withdrawn and Dr Deepak Megur to Continue
Dr Shivaram: proposed by Dr Rajshekar, seconded by Dr Ravindra
Joint Secretary:
Dr Rajesh – unanimously accepted
Hon Secretary:
Dr Sai Giridhar Kamath: Proposed by Dr Gurudutt Kamath seconded by Dr Manjunath Kamath
Vice President:
Dr Umesh Megur – proposed by Dr Ravindra seconded by Dr M M Joshi
President Elect: 2 candidates –
Dr Honnatti
Dr Mahabaleshwar
Election was conducted, there were 98 votes totally, Dr Honnatti got 51 and Dr Mahabaleshwar got 47
Dr Honnatti was installed as President Elect
President: Dr Rama Mohan Rao, presently the President Elect, was installed as President KOS The next conference will be held at Bijapur
The General Body appreciated the outgoing office bearers for the excellent work done in the previous year.
Dr Venkatsubramaniam
Hon Secretary KOS

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