KOS Updates

Karnataka Ophthalmic Society
1. Definitions:
The Society under its Constitution shall frame Bye-Laws for the smooth functioning of the Society. In these Bye Laws, unless there is anything in the context repugnant thereto or inconsistent therewith:
- ‘Society’ means Karnataka Ophthalmic Society.
- ‘Member’ means a member of the Karnataka Ophthalmic Society
- ‘Managing committee’ means the committee duly elected by the members of the society, including those co-opted thereto by the members of the said committee.
- ‘Chairman’ means Chairman duly elected by the members present at a particular meeting to carry on the business of that meeting in the absence of the President.
- ‘Act’ means Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960 or any statutory modification or re-enactment for the time being in force.
1. Membership:
Membership of the society shall be open to all Registered medical practitioners with basic allopathic qualification (M.B.B.S.) and possessing Diploma or Masters or DNB in Ophthalmology.
2A. Types of membership:
Life Member:
Registered medical practitioners possessing Diploma or Masters or DNB in Ophthalmology, resident / residing in the state of Karnataka shall be eligible to be enrolled as life member. Any person eligible for membership shall submit the application form to the Secretary, and such a form will be scrutinized for eligibility before membership is granted. Life members after ratification, will have voting rights, will be able to contest for elections, will be able to propose / second resolutions. Only life members can participate in GBM
National Member:
- Registered medical practitioners possessing Diploma or Masters or DNB in Ophthalmology, but not a permanent resident of the state of Karnataka, shall be eligible to be enrolled as National Member
- They are entitled to take part in the scientific and social activities of the society.
- They are not eligible for the Lifetime Achievement Award. They have no Voting Rights, and cannot contest any election.
- If a national member, moves back to Karnataka, his membership can be converted to a Life member status, after completing a year of stay in Karnataka, such life member status will have to be ratified in the general body.
- The membership of a Life Member who has moved out of Karnataka for a period of more than 1 year shall be converted to National Member.
- The Onus of informing change of residence to the Secretary, is on the member.
Members in Waiting:
- Post-graduate Ophthalmology students (MS/ MD/ DO/ DNB/ Dip Ophthalmology (DNB)) may become members-in-waiting, during their post-graduation, before being enrolled as full-fledged member of the Society on production of proof of qualification to the Secretary of the Society.
- As long as they remain Members in Waiting, neither do they enjoy the voting rights and
nor can they contest elections for any of the posts of the society.
2B. Admission and Subscription Fee:
Admission Fee: All categories of members shall pay an admission fee. The admission fee for all categories of members shall be subject to revision by the General Body from time to time.
2C. Termination:
Membership of the Society shall be terminated on the following grounds:
- In the case of resignation.
- On demise.
- On conviction for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude or his/her incapacity to act as such for any reason whatsoever
- His/her conduct being found, after due enquiry, harmful to the Society and or against its aims and objectives, provided that a written notice will be given to him/her and an opportunity afforded for being heard by the Managing Committee before his/her termination.
2D: Renewal of membership:
A member who had tendered his/her resignation may be re-enrolled as a member at his/her request. However, the due process of admission shall be gone through.
3A. General Body:
Life members shall constitute the General Body of the Society.
3B: Functions of the General Body:
- It shall govern the affairs of the society through its elected office bearers and committees.
- It shall hold annual general meeting – preferably during the annual conference at which the report of the management of the Society for the previous year together with the audit copy of the balance sheet, income and expenditure account and the auditor’s report shall be submitted for approval.
- The annual General Body Meeting of the society shall be held within nine months of the expiry of each year, and not more than 18 months shall lapse between one AGM and the next.
The agenda of the AGM shall be:
- To consider and adopt the annual report presented by the secretary.
- To consider and adopt annual audit report, balance sheet and income and expenditure account.
- To present and pass the budget for the ensuing year.
- To elect office- bearers and members of the managing committee.
- To appoint an auditor and fix his remuneration.
- Resolutions of members if any, notice of which has been received by the secretary, two weeks earlier to the date fixed for the AGM. The copies of the resolutions will be circulated by the secretary, to all members, who are eligible to attend and vote at the AGM, before the AGM.
- Fix the venue for the annual conference. This has to be done two years in advance.
- Any other subject with the permission of the chair.
3C: Quorum:
One tenth of the total number of Life members of the Society or fifty members whichever is less, shall constitute a quorum for every General Body Meeting. In the absence of quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned, and the adjourned meeting reconvened half an hour later at the same venue and the members then present shall constitute a quorum for the meeting
3D: Notice of the meeting:
At least twenty-one days clear notice shall be given to all members for convening every Annual General Body Meeting. The notice of the Annual General Body Meeting shall be accompanied by the report of the Managing Committee of the Society for the previous year together with an audited copy of the balance sheet, income and expenditure account and the auditor’s report.
3E: Voting:
A resolution altering the Constitution of the Society or its name or its bye laws shall be passed by three-fourths of the members who are entitled to vote in person or by proxy and who are present at the meeting. All other resolutions shall be decided by a simple majority of votes. In the event of a tie the President shall have a right to exercise a casting vote.
3F: Service of Notice.
Notice of meeting shall be sent by email to every member. Any notice sent to a member of the Society shall be deemed to have been served if the same is sent from the official email id of the society to the last known email address as recorded with the society. Change of any address (electronic or postal) must be got acknowledged from the Secretary or the office of the Society.
3G: Conduct of meetings.
The President shall preside over all General Body Meetings and regulate the proceedings thereof. In the absence of the President, the President-elect and in his absence the Vice President shall preside. In the absence of the above three, members present at the meeting shall elect from amongst them, a person to act as Chairman.
4A: Extraordinary General Body Meetings.
An Extraordinary General Body Meeting of the members shall be called at any time by the Secretary on the requisition of the President of the Managing Committee or on the requisition of not less than one-third of the number of members of the Managing Committee or one-tenth of the total number of members of the Society entitled to vote who shall state in writing the business for which they wish the meeting to be convened.
The Managing Committee shall within 7 days of the receipt of the requisition proceed duly to call a meeting for the consideration of business stated, on a date, not later than 14 days from the date of receipt of the requisition.
4B. Quorum for extra ordinary/ Special general body meeting:
One tenth of the total number of Life members of the Society or fifty members, whichever is less, shall constitute a quorum for every Extraordinary General Body Meeting. In the absence of quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned, and the adjourned meeting reconvened half an hour later at the same venue and the members then present, shall constitute the quorum for the meeting.
5. Governing Council of the Society:
It shall consist of
- President
- President-elect
- Vice President
- Honorary Secretary
- Honorary Joint Secretary
- Scientific Committee Chair
- Honorary. Treasurer
- Editor Journal
They shall form the Governing Council of the Society. Immediate Past President shall be an ex
officio member.
6A. Composition of Managing Committee:
The managing Committee shall consist of one representative from each of the District / Zonal society, affiliated with Karnataka Ophthalmic Society and the members of the Governing Council.
6B. Meetings:
The Managing Committee shall meet virtually as often as necessary and have one in-person meeting at least once a year. The Travel expenses of the Governing Council of the Society will be borne by the Society. The Governing Council of the society shall meet as often as necessary and have one-in person meeting at least once a year. Managing Committee meetings and Governing Council meetings shall be called for either by the President and / or Secretary, or by at least any of the four Governing Council members by giving 7 days prior notice in either case.
6C. Term of office and election of office bearers:
The term for the post of President, President-elect, Vice-President shall be for a period of one year. They are eligible for only 1 term. The Vice-President becomes the President-Elect and the President-Elect becomes the President in the following year. For other office bearers, the term shall be two years, and a maximum of 2 terms in the same post is permitted. The managing committee members shall hold office for a period of two years or until the election of another committee, whichever is earlier. If in case, there is a delay in assuming office by the next office bearers in unforeseen circumstances, the existing managing committee shall keep on functioning, till such point where the next managing committee can take over. The takeover has to be executed within a period of 10 days. Till the takeover is complete, the existing office bearers shall be responsible for interim functioning of the Society.
6D. Functions of the Governing Council:
a) President:
- The President shall be responsible for the society during his/her tenure. The President shall preside and regulate the proceedings of the society in any meeting, whether general or extra-ordinary, Governing Council and the managing committee. He/ She will preside over the functions of the society, meetings of general body and managing committee. In absence of the President, President-elect shall officiate for him. In the absence of the President-elect also, Vice-President shall preside over the meetings. All documents and contracts shall be made jointly by the Honorary General Secretary and the President.
- In case of a tie in any decision in the General Body Meetings, Governing Council Meetings, Managing Committee Meetings, Elections or any other Subcommittee Meetings, the President shall have additional casting vote.
- The President can dissolve the Managing Committee if he/she is satisfied that it is acting in a manner prejudicial to the purpose of the Society. However this dissolution should be ratified at a Special General Body Meeting within 30 days.
b) President Elect and Vice-President:
In the absence of the President, the President-Elect and in his / her absence, the Vice-President shall preside over all the meetings of the General Body, Managing Committee, Meetings of the Governing Council and other committees and shall perform the duties of the President. He / She shall assist the President in performing his/her duties.
c) Honorary Secretary:
The Secretary of the society shall look after all the administrative functions of the Society. He/ She shall have the powers with regard to the appointment of staff of the Society, their Salaries and their dismissal, taking premises on rent on behalf of the Society, enter into contracts on behalf of the Society and shall perform all such functions which relate to the working of the Society. He/ She shall however consult and get approval of the Governing Council for the same. He /She shall:
- Maintain an updated register of the members indicating their age, address, contact details.
- Maintain a Ledger and Stock book of assets of the Society.
- Send notices and attend meetings of the Society and the Managing Committee under the instructions of the President as the circumstances may require.
- Circulate the agenda of the meetings.
- Record the proceedings of the meetings of the Society.
- Conduct the day-to-day correspondence of the Society and sign on behalf of the Society subject to approval of the President on all important matters.
- Prepare yearly reports on the working of the Society
- And carry out such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the President. All documents and contracts shall be made jointly by Honorary General Secretary and the President. All the awards decided by MC shall be announced by the Secretary. He/ She shall co-ordinate the activities of all sub-committees. He/ She shall be in charge of the office and shall execute the resolutions of the society
d) Honorary Treasurer:
He/ She shall receive money due to the Society and receive donations from members/ nonmembers of the Society. He/ She shall maintain a regular account of all the money received and spent. He/ She shall be entitled to keep such amounts as petty cash as may be determined by the Managing Committee from time to time. The balance amount shall be deposited in the bank account of the Society. He/ She shall keep vouchers and issue receipts signed by him/her. The accounts shall be audited once a year and presented to the Annual General Body Meeting of the Society. He / she shall liaison with the secretariat and sign monthly account statement after verification. The President, Treasurer and the Honorary General Secretary shall jointly operate the accounts. For Operation of bank accounts – Signature of the Treasurer, and also, either the president or the Secretary will be required.
e) Composition of the Scientific Committee:
Chairman – Responsible in formulating the scientific programme for the Annual conference as well as other scientific programmes through the year. Recommend to the Managing Committee the names for the award of various scientific medals, prizes and guest speakers.
Five Members – One from Each Zone shall be elected. To assist chairman scientific committee in all scientific programs in annual conference and CME. To manage the conference halls during scientific programs during the Annual conference. The committee shall formulate the modalities for the acceptance of the scientific papers / posters / videos and symposia. They should also organize programmes in their zone.
f) Joint Secretary:
The Joint Secretary shall assist the secretary. The Joint Secretary shall represent the secretary in his absence.
g) Editor – Journal:
The editor shall be responsible for the publications of the society. The editor shall be responsible for publishing the Newsletter of the society, once at least every three months.
h) Editorial Board:
The Editor, journal, should appoint three Life Members of the Society to the editorial board. If required additional members can be appointed by the editor, which shall be the prerogative of the editor. They should assist the editor for all journal and newsletter related work.
i) Zonal Representatives in the Managing Committee:
Responsible to increase membership in their Zones. They should act as link between the Managing Committee and the members in the respective Zones.
6E: Quorum:
Six members including the President shall form a quorum for all meetings of the Managing Committee.
6F: Termination of office bearers:
A member of the managing committee failing to attend FOUR consecutive meetings without assigning any satisfactory reason shall cease to be a member thereof and shall be considered to have vacated his/her membership in the Managing Committee.
6G: Powers of the Managing Committee:
The Managing Committee shall exercise all such powers as are necessary for the proper control and management of the affaires of the Society except those reserved under the act or those rules which are for the General Body of the Society. Any act of Managing Committee shall be final and binding on all members, until altered, modified, or rescinded by the General Body of the Society. It shall also have the following powers:
- To open, operate or close an account with any Nationalized Bank or Banks and to authorize any member or members to operate there on.
- To empower the Secretary or any other member to perform all or any of the powers of the Managing Committee.
- To appoint one or more sub-committees to carry on the work of the Society subject to the control and approval of the Managing Committee.
- To purchase, take or give or lease or hire, otherwise acquire, sell, manage or deal with any movable or immovable property for any of the aims or objects of the Society.
- To borrow or raise money by holding cultural or charity shows or in any other lawful manner that the Society may think fit.
- To invest any money of the Society not immediately required for its aims and objects as may be determined by the Managing Committee.
- To undertake or execute any Trust that may be conducive to any of the aims and objects of the Society.
- To negotiate and enter into any agreement with the state Government, University, Director of Public Instructions, municipality or other public or private authorities for the purpose of achieving any of the aims and objectives of the Society or which may seem conducive or beneficial to the same or intended to enhance improve or render more efficient property, right privileges of the Society.
- To accept hold or administer any gift, donation or contribution in kind or money, whether upon trust or otherwise, and to undertake and execute, any trust or obligation which may be deemed conducive to any of the aims and objectives of the Society.
- To manage, improve, develop, alter, demolish, sell, alienate, lease, mortgage, pledge, hypothecate dispose of or otherwise deal with all or any of the properties, funds, assets, rights and privileges of the society.
- To make bye-laws not inconsistent with the Act or those rules for the conduct of the business of the Society and Managing Committee.
- To explain and interpret the provisions of these rules and give decisions and rulings on any points not covered by them.
- To admit persons as members of the Society.
- To suspend and/or terminate any member from the Society and/or deal with him/her in such a manner as they may deem fit.
- To amalgamate either wholly or partially with any other Society following the procedure prescribed in this behalf in the section 21 of the act
- The funds and the income of the Society shall be solely utilized for the achievement of the objects and no portion of it shall be utilized for the payment to the members 12 by way profits, interest, dividend etc.
- In the event of dissolution or winding up of the Society, assets remaining as on the date of dissolution shall under no circumstances be distributed amongst the members of the Managing Committee but the same shall be transferred to another Society whose objects are similar to those of this Society and which enjoys recognition U/S 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961, as amended from time to time.
- No amendments to the bye-laws shall be made which may prove to be repugnant to the provisions of section 2,15,11,12,13 and 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961, as amended from time to time. Further no amendment shall be carried out without prior approval ofCommissioner of Income Tax.
6H. Election and Election Commission:
The President shall form a three membered Election Commission when calling for Nominations. Past Presidents in rotation are eligible to serve in the Election Commission. The Chief Election Officer shall be chosen with preference being given as per seniority. In the event of the senior most person expressing his/her inability to preside, the next member of election committee shall be offered the presiding powers.
All nominations need to be reviewed by the election commission to review the eligibility of candidates. The election commission decision will be final and irrevocable.
If any proposal is rejected by the election commission the candidate should be communicated through email about the reasons for rejection of his proposal. Budget for the election commission expenses to be approved by Governing Council. Elections to be held online & On-site (Electronic Only) on the first day of the Annual Conference and the results will be announced in the GBM
6I. Requirements for Nomination:
Only Life Members are eligible to contest any of the posts of the Society.
Vice President, Secretary – A member contesting for Vice President should have served in the managing committee in the past and have been a Life Member of good standing for 10 years and should have regularly attended at least 3 GBM’s in the past 5 years. A member contesting for Secretary should have served in the managing committee in the past and have been a Life Member of good standing for 7 years and should have regularly attended at least 3 GBM’s in the past 5 years.
Treasurer, Joint Secretary – The member contesting these posts should be of good standing and should have regularly attended at least 3 GBM’s in the past 5 years.
Chairman Scientific Committee / Editor Journal – The member contesting for these posts should be a member of good standing for a period of 7 years. He should have presented talks / papers in the previous conferences and /or should have published papers in ophthalmic journals and/ or should have been member of scientific committee and /or editorial board in the past.
Member Scientific committee – One member from each Zone shall be elected. They should be Life members of the society, of at least 5 years good standing.
6J. Conferences:
- The venues for the annual conferences should be decided in the General body meeting two years in advance.
- The conference shall be allotted to a registered (with registrar of societies) zonal /district society upon a written request, who shall then nominate a Local Organizing Committee which shall organize the event.
- The actual dates of the conference, shall be decided in consultation with the local organizing committee. The LOC shall arrange for an inspection of the conference facilities 10 months in advance of the conference. Local hospitality of the Governing Council to be taken care of, by the LOC.
- In unprecedented situations, the president will take a decision in consultation with Governing Council of KOS for change of venue.
- In circumstances whenever it is not possible to hold physical Annual Conference, then it can be taken virtually or hybrid.
- The registration fee for the conference, can be revised up to 10% higher from the previous year. In case a further revision is required, permission of a Special General Body Meeting needs to be taken. Managing Committee Members, KOS Secretariat Staff and Scientific Committee members shall be provided complimentary registration. Past Presidents and Senior Citizens above age of 70 shall also be provided complimentary registration provided the online registration is completed within the last date of early bird registration.
The conference will comprise of
- Symposiums on subjects which will be decided by the Scientific Committee
- All invited faculty from the state should be KOS members. 80% of the invited faculty should be from the state and remaining 20% National / International. The LOC can propose 25% of faculty. For Invited faculty from outside the state, registration and local hospitality expenses should be borne by the LOC (for up to 25 faculty). Local hospitality of the Oration awardees, Lifetime achievement awardee and Managing Committee members is to be borne by the LOC.
- Orations and awards will be decided by the Managing Committee.
- Scientific papers, videos, instruction courses, scientific posters, workshops, Quiz or any other such activities and their awards will be decided by scientific committee.
- Scientific committee to give guidelines to judges at the time of inviting
Minimum Hall requirements to be ensured by LOC
7 Halls
Hall A – 500 capacity
Hall B,C,D – 100 Capacity
Hall E,F,G – 50 capacity
LED wall resolution of P 3.8 or better in Hall A,B,C,D
Resolution 1620 x 1080 pixels or higher
Led TVs of 42 inch and above in other halls
Generator Backup for the entire duration of conference is a must.
Local organizing committee shall contribute Rs 5 Lakh or 20% collection from trade whichever is higher to the Society.
To maximize the trade collection, the LOC can take help of Governing Council and Previous Organizing Secretaries.
Awards for the best papers will be as follows |
KOS Dr M M Joshi – Overall Best Paper Award |
KOS Dr H Krishnamurthy Prize – Ist Best Paper |
KOS Dr Basheer Mekhri Prize – IInd Best Paper |
KOS Dr Umesh Megur – Best Film Festival Award |
KOS Dr T K Ramesh – Best Poster Award |
KOS Dr H K Nagaraj Prize – Best Paper in Community Ophthalmology |
KOS Best Cornea Free Paper Award |
KOS Dr Y L Rajashekar – Best Cataract Free Paper Award |
Best Comprehensive Ophthalmology Free Paper Award |
Best Uvea Free Paper Award |
Best Ocular Surface Free Paper Award |
Best Trauma Free Paper Award |
KOS Dr A S Guruprasad – Best Medical Retina Free Paper Award |
KOS Dr Madhav Honnatti – Best Refractive Surgery Free Paper Award |
KOS Best Oculoplasty, orbit, oncology and ocular pathology Free Paper Award |
KOS Dr H M Ravindranath – Best Paediatric Ophthalmology & Squint Free Paper Award |
KOS Best Glaucoma Free Paper Award |
KOS Best Neuro-Ophthalmology Free Paper Award |
KOS Best Diabetic Retinopathy & Medical retina Free Paper Award |
Any member can propose to the MC a named award (when called for by MC) by paying to the society a sum of Rs 5 Lakh to take up any of the unnamed awards. Such named awards will be awarded 10 times. This sum can be revised by the General Body from time to time. The proposal should be approved by the General Body before being implemented.
Any member can propose to the MC an Oration award (when called for by the MC) by paying to the society a sum of Rs 10 Lakh. Such an Oration will be awarded 10 times.
This sum can be revised by the General Body from time to time. The proposal should be approved by the General Body before being implemented.
Criteria for KOS Dr Rohit Shetty Young Researcher award
- The applicant Should be a life member of KOS.
- Should be 45 years or younger as of 1st January in the year of applying.
- Should be the first or corresponding author of the work that is being considered for the award. The work must have been carried out in India.
- Should have at least 3 publications in ‘PubMed’ Indexed Journal.
Criteria for KOS Dr. Krishna Prasad Kudlu Best Community Service Award
- Should be a life member of KOS
- Should have demonstrated services related to ophthalmology in their subspecialty that particularly improves the lives of economically weaker sections (EWS) of society.
- The period of service should be cumulatively or contiguously over ten years or moreThe service should have been documented in peer-reviewed publications (preferred) or non-peer-reviewed publications (including but not restricted to media articles, online reference, and newsletters) at least once during the period of service.
- The application should contain the name of two referees who are life members and who are ophthalmologists with 15 or more years of experience (any subspecialty) who will confirm the services of the applicant on request.
- The work must have been carried out in India.
6K. Filling up of Vacancies:
If a member or office bearer of the Managing Committee resigns or dies or ceases to be a member thereof or is excluded from the membership of the Society before the expiry of his/her term of office, the remaining members of the Managing Committee shall be competent to fill up the vacancy.
7. Accounts:
The accounts of the Society shall be maintained in the manner prescribed in section 12 of the Act. The accounts of every year shall be audited by a Chartered Accountant andappended to the annual report to be submitted by the Managing Committee at the Annual General Body Meeting.
8. Financial Year:
The Financial Year of the Society shall be from the 1st day of April to the 31st day of March of the next year.
9. Working Hours:
The working hours of the Society shall be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sundays and Government holidays will be full holidays.
10. Property of the Society:
The property movable and immovable, belonging to the Society shall vest in the Managing Committee. Such property and all the income of the Society shall be applied solely towards the promotion of its aims and objectives as set forth in the Constitution of the Society, provided nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith, remuneration to any officer or employee of the Society or to any Member of the Society or any other person for any services actually rendered.
11. Legal Proceedings:
The Society shall sue or be sued in the name of the Secretary.
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